Evan James

 "The Day That You Gave Me A Son"
by Kenny "Babyface" Edmonds
'Twas late December the news came
And I got so excited, I cried all day
And you were such a lovely, precious sight
When I saw our baby in your eyes
It was like falling deep in love
I heard the angels cry above
I felt a blessing straight from God
The day that you gave me a son

I called 'bout everyone I knew
Just think, I'll be a father 'cause of you
There's no greater love than what you gave
A brand new baby on the way

Oh such tears of joy, I've never known
I can't remember
It's like a song, I've never heard
I've never sung, but know the words


The Story of Baby Soukup
I loved being pregnant with Evan.  I really did.  Sure, some parts were uncomfortable at times, but I never felt miserable.  I never felt like begging for it to be over.  I just took it day-by-day and enjoyed the whole experience.  Rather than creating a traditional “pregnancy book,” I had decided to create a “digital pregnancy book,” and below are parts of it that I wrote to/about Evan while I was pregnant.

A Baby Boy’s Name
We had a baby boy’s name picked out months before we were even thinking about starting a family.  One night before daddy and I went to sleep, we began pondering what names we would pick if we were to have a baby boy.
It didn’t take us very long at all to agree that we wanted the middle name to be James, after daddy.  You would also share that name with Grandpa Bogen, whom you would never get the opportunity to meet.  It didn’t even take us that long to figure out what the first name would be…  We had it picked out before we went to sleep that night.  I don’t remember what other names we suggested, but when we got to the name Evan, it just seemed to fit.
Evan James

A Baby Girl’s Name
It was awhile after we had picked out a boy’s name that we decided we had better start thinking about a little girl’s name.  This one took us a bit longer to decide and agree upon.  Daddy liked some names that mama didn’t, Mama liked some names that daddy didn’t.  One day, daddy suggested the name Ella.  Mommy liked it a little bit, but it sounded too much like the name of one her second grade students.  Being a teacher made it hard for mom to pick out names because some of them reminded her of her students.  Mommy wanted a name that was truly unique for her baby.  Mama suggested a name that was close to Ella, but also one that none of her students had ever had before… Emma.
            I think it took daddy awhile to decide that Emma was a good name, but he finally came around.  Of course, you can’t think of first names, without thinking of a middle name that would sound good with it.  I like the idea of sharing part of our faith in our child’s name.  After all, a baby is a gift from God.  So I like Emma Grace.  However, I also like the tradition of naming a child after someone special in the family, and I really admire and look up to Aunt Nichole, so Emma Nichole sounds good.  A friend of mine also told me to consider using my name, because I might have regrets later about not naming my first daughter after her mom.  Emma Elizabeth has a nice ring to it as well, and there have been many women on my side of the family with that name also.  So, the middle name is still undecided.

Is She Already Pregnant?
Daddy is not one for keeping things a secret.  At a family gathering one night, daddy asked the group (Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Cody, Cousin Kelsey) what they thought of the baby name Emma, for a girl.  He shared that we already picked out the boy’s name for sure, but hadn’t yet finalized the girl’s name.  As you can imagine, this got everyone at the table wondering if I was already expecting
Admittedly, mama had already been getting everyone’s suspicions aroused all summer long, as I kept buying baby things at garage sales.  First there was the baby onesie’s that Cousin Kelsey saw and asked wide-eyed what they were for.  Then there was the pack ‘n’ play that mama couldn’t wait to set up in the “green room”, and so people couldn’t help but notice it as they walked by there.  The funny thing was, that we were not even trying to start a family at this point, but that didn’t stop everyone from wondering if we were, or asking if I was pregnant.

Now is the time…
We had been analyzing our finances for awhile, trying to decide when the “right time” would be to start a family.  I had thought we should wait another year to start trying.  We had been working so hard at getting as much debt paid off as possible before we had a baby, and I wanted to continue that goal.  I also wanted to plan it out so that the baby would be born at the end of a school year, so a sub could finish out the year and I could stay at home all summer with the newborn.
            However, we really didn’t want to wait any longer to start a family.  I was already in my thirties, and the likelihood of complications greatly increases the older you are.  We would like to have at least two children, and would also like to have some time in between pregnancies.  So that puts me at mid-thirties for a second pregnancy.  So, Daddy and I decided to try thinking that it might take us awhile to get pregnant anyhow… it didn’t.  We conceived on our first try.

Thanksgiving 2010
I took a pregnancy test on Thanksgiving morning… If I was pregnant, it might still be too early to tell, but I just felt that it would come back positive.  Daddy knew I was taking the test, and I had to hurry because Uncle Cody and Grandma Joyce were coming over so we could all drive to Dwight together.  The test came back negative.  I wasn’t too disappointed, because I knew it was still a bit early to be taking it. 
             I was just sure I was pregnant.  Early the next week, I went to the library and checked out some pregnancy books.  As the days kept passing on, my period never came, but that isn’t unusual… my cycle has never been regular.
            I kept waiting for early pregnancy signs, but there was nothing. 

Two Lines!  Positive!
By this time, I had convinced myself that maybe I wasn’t pregnant, but still kept thinking that something was different.  I didn’t feel any different, but somehow I just knew.
            It was a Saturday afternoon, December 4th, 2011, when I took the second test.  I couldn’t wait any longer.  Either I was or wasn’t pregnant, but either way I just HAD to know.
            Daddy was asleep on the couch, as was Uncle Cody, who hangs out here quite often on the weekends.  I quietly went into the bathroom to take the test, thinking it was going to be negative.  It didn’t take long at all this time, for this test to come back with two lines.  My heart started racing as I stared at those two lines.  Two lines… really?  I wanted to scream, but couldn’t because Cody was over here.  I slowly walked into the bedroom to sit down. 
Two lines… REALLY?  Could the test be inaccurate?
Am I ready to be a mother?  How would daddy feel?

Telling Daddy
I quietly walked down the hall to the living room, feeling like my pounding heart would wake up the entire neighborhood.  Daddy and Cody slept on undisturbed.
            I poked daddy in the arm,  s  l  o  w  l  y  at first.  No response.  I poked daddy in the arm again, a bit more vigorously this time.  Still no response.  “Wake Up!” I wanted to scream!
“James, could you come into the bedroom for a minute,” I said quietly.
“What?” he mumbled, sort of grumpily.
“I have something I need to show you.”  I said as calmly as I could.
We didn’t say a word as we walked back slowly down the hall…
he because he was still half asleep…
me because I was in a sort of dream-like state myself… taking it all in…
I didn’t say a word as I shut the bedroom door and
held up the test for daddy to see.
Daddy was excited and we stood there and hugged for a long time.

What to do first?
I had been looking at baby things in stores and at garage sales for months… now I was actually going to be able to start buying things… for real!
            “I’m going shopping!” I told Daddy.  Well… he was excited about a baby, but NOT about baby shopping. 
“Have fun,” he told me.  Don’t spend any money.” 
Hmph!  Baby shopping without spending any money?
How fun would that be?!
            Turns out that I I couldn’t/wouldn’t have bought anything anyway.  I was still in too much shock and amazement!  I slowly walked around Target and Walmart, still taking it all in that I was soon going to NEED all of this stuff, not just WANT all of this stuff! 

Shhh… It’s a Secret!
Oh, the agony of not being able to tell everyone right away!  I wanted to shout it from the rooftop, but instead I had to carefully scan each aisle at each store to make sure there wasn’t anyone there that I knew.  They would wonder why I was in the baby section, and I would have to lie!
            Cody was still at my house when I got home, and I casually made dinner, as if my whole world hadn’t changed in the last few hours.  Cody saw the pregnancy books laying around on the dining room table, and being the snoop that he is, saw the box of pregnancy tests on my bedroom dresser.
            “Hmmm… pregnancy books, pregnancy tests, next thing I know I’m going to find a pregnancy test in the trash can!”  Yikes! Did he know!?  I tried to act casual… we had been dropping “pregnancy clues” long before we were even trying to get pregnant.  He didn’t know anything, did he?  I shrugged at him nonchalantly and went back to cooking.
Later that evening, I got online to calculate the due date… August 7 or August 8, is what I came up with.  Then I searched the internet for creative ways to tell family and friends we were expecting.  Wouldn’t you know, Cody found out that I was searching for creative pregnancy announcements on the laptop, and again questioned me about being pregnant.  This time, all I could do was walk away to keep from lying about it... or blabbing!  I swear I thought he would tell my mom that night, and the secret would be out!
            I went to church on Sunday feeling elated about this new miracle growing inside of me… but I couldn’t tell anyone yet! 
By Monday morning, I just HAD to tell someone the news or I might burst from excitement! Kristen arrived at work first, and so I shared the news with her.  Then Christy came in and I told her, too.  Daddy told his co-worker, Myron, the news at his work.
We wanted to wait to tell everyone else.

Confirmation from Dr. Gfeller
My first doctor’s visit was with Dr. Gfeller was on
Monday, December 6th, 2010
Daddy wasn’t able to come to this appointment, but Dr. Gfeller confirmed that we are expecting.  I am 5 weeks along, and baby’s due date is
Monday, August 8th, 2011 
I called daddy after the appointment to confirm what we already knew.

Week 5 (Monday December 6th ~ Sunday December 12th 2010)
We were going to start telling everyone on Monday after my doctor’s appointment, but Great Gma B. went to the hospital that day.  We didn’t feel it was appropriate to tell the news then, given the circumstances.
            I gave up caffeine the day I found out I was pregnant, but it was hard.  I had headaches for several days in a row as my body tried to adjust to going caffeine-free.  I had a headache Monday after I left the doctor’s office, but Dr. Gfeller had told me it would be okay to have 1-2 cans of soda per day.  I caved, and had a soda as I picked up Grandma Soukup to take her to see Great Gma B.
            We finally told the grandparents the news on Wednesday.  Daddy and I had picked out cute picture frames with a saying about being grandparents, and drove to his parents first.  We handed the picture frame to Gma, and she just stared at it for a long time.  A slow smile started to appear on her face, but when she still didn’t say anything, I added, “No, this isn’t for the dog!”  (We call them grandma and grandpa for the dog, too!) 
            “Do you know what it means?”  Gpa asked her.  “I think so,” she replied.  Gpa had figured it out immediately.
Daddy drove over to his grandma’s house, and I went to Gma Joyce’s house to give her the picture frame.  I asked her if she already knew… if Cody had already figured it out and told her, but he hadn’t.  Cody said that, although he suspected it, he didn’t actually know anything.  It was late when I left their house, so I called the rest of my family on Thursday.
                    The Benes Company Christmas Party was on Saturday, and James’s cousin Marcene made sure she let everyone there know that we were expecting.  Most of his family already knew, but if they hadn’t heard yet, they knew now.  We told Uncle Mark, and some others, the news on Sunday at church.
Week 6 (Monday December 13th ~ Sunday December 19th 2010)
I hadn’t told anyone else at work yet, so Kristen would discreetly come to my room during her plan time to let me use the restroom.  The kids kept asking why I left all the time, but I didn’t say anything yet.
            I had weekly headaches (week 5-week 10) and I missed church frequently during this time, because of them.  I never had any nausea, though, although I fully expected that I would… my body does not usually adjust well to any kind of change from the “normal”.
                     I kept hard, sour candy on hand at all times, and would eat one if I felt the least bit queasy… it worked.  My biggest concern during my first trimester was that nothing, absolutely nothing, sounded good to eat.  Even foods that I would normally love often didn’t sound appetizing.  The one thing that I found myself craving the most during the first trimester, was anything to do with potatoes. 
Mashed, fried, scalloped, diced, baked, etc.
I wanted potatoes.

Week 7 (Monday December 20th ~ Sunday December 26th 2010)
~ Our First Baby/Christmas Gifts ~
Kristen gave me the book “Chicken Soup for Pregnant Woman’s Soul”.  Christy gave me a picture frame that holds baby’s first picture and hospital id band, and some expand-a-pants buttons (as a gag gift!).  Linda N. gave you a Pooh Bear hooded bath towel.  Aunt Trish gave you a Pooh Bear plush rattle toy.
Two Months
Week 8-12 (Monday December 27th ~ Sunday January 30th 2011)
We celebrated Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Daddy’s Birthday and New Year’s Eve with the excited anticipation of sharing those holidays with you in the coming year.  We shared the news with everyone at mom’s work in January right after our Christmas break.  I brought in some chocolate chip cookies and a card to put in the lounge that announced Baby E’s much anticipated arrival.
It’s still early, so there’s no hurry
To share this news with you
But I’m so excited, that I can’t hide it
We found out that we’re due!
Baby S.
Due August 8th, 2011
            I found a website & facebook app that would give weekly updates about Baby E’s growth, and so that’s how we announced to the rest of the world that we are expecting.  It was so exciting for me to log in every Monday morning to see how my little one was growing, and to read about what Baby E looked like each week and how big he/she was.

~ Our 12 Week Appointment with Dr. Gfeller ~
(January 24th, 2011)
We got to hear the heartbeat
for the first time!
                      It took him a long time to find it, because Baby E was nestled very low in my abdomen.  I don’t remember if the doctor told us what the heartbeat was, I was too excited!
                      As the first trimester came to a close, I felt GREAT!  I felt “safer” being done with the first trimester, because the chance of miscarriage was lower.  I never had any morning sickness, and all of my doctor’s visits had gone well.  
Three Months
Week 13-17 (Monday January 31st ~ Sunday March 6th 2011)
Friday February 4th ~ James, Frank, and Kelsey left early in the morning to fly into Las Vegas for Frank’s bachelor party.  I cried after daddy left, and couldn’t sleep very well.  Aunt Kim had her bridal shower that same weekend, and then Grandma S. and I went to “Once Upon A Child” afterwards.  Grandma bought a bear and a Tigger outfit for you.

Monday February 7th ~ Gma Joyce was admitted to St. E’s that evening for some chest pains.  I stayed with her in the hospital on Tuesday.  It turned out to be just a severe cold.  Mama bought a new Graco travel system complete with stroller and car seat.  I had been looking at it for months, but daddy wouldn’t let me buy it before we were pregnant.  (Go figure!)  Even after we were pregnant, he wouldn’t let me spend any money.  Finally… this travel system went on sale, and I had gift cards left from Christmas, which made this a heck of a deal…  So Daddy finally let me buy it.

Monday February 21st ~ Appt with Dr. Gfeller ~ we got to hear the heartbeat again!  It didn’t take as long to find this time.  Dr. Gfeller originally told us we would have an ultrasound at week 18.  I was very disappointed when he said that now he wanted to wait until week 19.  That wasn’t going to work for me, since I had lots of things going on at school that week.   
  “No problem,” he said, “we’ll just wait until the week after that.” 
Hunh?  I have to wait until week 20???
I was  going crazy thinking of waiting two more weeks,
now I have to wait 4 more weeks.  Ahhh!

                      Sunday February 27th ~ I finally broke down and went maternity clothes shopping-although I didn’t wear the clothes right away.  I wanted to have them-just in case.  We celebrated my birthday by going out to eat in Omaha at TGIFriday’s.

Facebook Post ~ Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! =) James and I celebrated yesterday by going out to eat at my favorite restaurant... TGIFriday's! I think I'll celebrate tonight by going to bed early! (Is it old age finally setting in or is the pregnancy??? I'll blame it on the pregnancy! LOL)

I celebrated my b-day with Christy and Kristen on Friday night.  They took me out for a pedicure and then we went to dinner at Lazlo’s.  I should not have gone… I was not feeling well, and it kept getting worse as the night went on.

Four Months
Week 18-21 (Monday March 7th ~ Sunday April 3rd 2011)
Monday March 7th ~ I had to take off of work again today, I have no voice!  Went into the doctor and I have bronchitis, so… more antibiotics.  I’m worried that I have actually lost 4 pounds since the beginning of the pregnancy, but doctor says not to worry because I have enough “padding” that baby will be okay (my wording, not his!)  I have a couple more weeks until I need to gain weight.

Facebook Post ~ I hope this little guy/gal gets daddy's immune system because mine... not so good. Now I have bronchitis...  More antibiotics for me and Baby E. On the plus side, I got to hear the heartbeat again at the dr's office... staying steady and strong at 160bpm. 18 weeks today = 4 months! =))))

The pregnancy website said that we should be able to hear baby’s heartbeat at home with a stethoscope.  Yeah, that didn’t work!  Even after I got further along in the pregnancy, I still couldn’t hear it with the stethoscope, so I gave up trying!

We bought a new car!!  We needed a new car since we currently only have one vehicle that I will let Baby E ride around in!

Saturday March 19th ~ Uncle Frank and Aunt Kim’s wedding day ~ I was tired and worn out, but daddy and I had fun dancing.  Daddy doesn’t usually dance, (and you will probably never see him dance in your lifetime), but as the best man, he felt he had to “represent.”  Mama was afraid she danced too much at the reception, and hurt Baby E.  But mama loves to dance, so it was hard to stay sitting down.

Monday March 21st ~ Exciting day!!  We find out today (hopefully) if we’re having a boy or a girl!!  I thought this day would never get here!  Daddy was at work, but mama was at home for Spring Break.  It was nerve-racking waiting until 2:30 in the afternoon!  I usually sleep in, but couldn’t this morning. 

Our Ultrasound
It is now official… everyone has been guessing that we are having a boy… family, friends and co-workers.  Mama had a dream that we were having a boy, but daddy had a dream we were having a girl.
We are having a boy!
                      You had your arm up by your face for the beginning of the ultrasound.  Finally you moved your arm for a bit.  You hiccuped once, and then opened your mouth up wide, yawning and swallowing some fluid.  Daddy said, “Yep, that’s my kid!  Yawning already!”    The ultrasound tech said everything looked good!  Heartbeat was at 163bpm this time!

                       Tuesday March 22nd ~ Babysat Justin while Ashley went into the hospital to have her second son, Jackson.  James and I went to visit the following evening, and then took an “unofficial tour” of the birthing center.  I am so excited… and nervous!

Thursday March 24th ~Doctor’s visit ~ Doc asked when I first felt baby move; I haven’t been sure that I have felt baby move… feeling little flutters here and there but nothing yet that says… “Yes, this is baby!”
                        I went skating this week for adult night.  I’m not really worried about falling but I skated slow so I didn’t get my heart rate up too high.
Mama went on an “official” tour of the 
birthing center at St. E’s.
                         We found a very nice baby crib & mattress at Salvage Warehouse for a really good price, and so we bought it.  Mama helped carry the crib around through the back yard and up the patio deck (even though she shouldn’t have), only to find out the crib was too big to go through the sliding patio door.  Ugh!  We called Cody to see if he could help daddy carry the crib back around to the front door and into the house that way.  Now, it’s sitting in the living room until we get the nursery painted. 

Five Months
Week 22-26 (Monday April 4th ~ Sunday May 8th 2011)
Slight heartburn started this week but nothing horrible or persistent, just a bit uncomfortable at times.  Definitely started feeling “pregnant” this week, and I am feeling baby move more.
                     I went to our “school skate” on Friday, even though I was pregnant; there weren’t very many kids there so I could skate without worrying about tripping over someone.
Daddy felt you move for the first time (decided later that maybe he didn’t!!!)
                     Garage sale season is starting up!!  Looking for baby things!  Take 2 and Neat Repeatz sales going on this weekend; bought a crib bedding set (stars and moon pattern) but then decided later that I didn’t like it.
Feeling “bigger” this week, but… only five pound weight gain so far.  Still slight heartburn.  Very tired-but probably more from not getting enough sleep rather than baby
                    Saturday-Went garage saling and found another crib bedding set with a blue circle pattern.  I wasn’t sure if I would like it, but daddy did, so I bought it.  I was afraid that it was overwhelmingly “blue.”
          Easter pageant going on at church this week ~ maybe next year you will get to be in the pageant as baby Jesus! 
           Easter dinner at Grandma Collister’s on Sunday
Monday April 18th ~ Doctor’s appt ~ Daddy couldn’t come this time.  I had to drink a sugary drink an hour beforehand so they could test my blood sugar for gestational diabetes.  I thought for sure I would NOT pass this test; but the test came back with good results.  Doctor did a test for anemia, and those results showed that I am slightly anemic, which I was also expecting, so Doctor Gfeller gave me a prescription for iron supplements.  Hopefully these also help give me more energy!
Easter Sunday ~ Grandma G. was in the nursing home for Easter this year after surgery and a terrible fall happening in just a couple weeks of each other, and so we went to visit her there.
Friday April 29th ~ Kristen and Christy began helping me get the nursery ready for your arrival!  We took the crib comforter to Menard’s and picked out paint samples for the wall color.  Haha… okay Christy took the comforter into Menards.  It was their idea to bring the comforter into the store.  I was a little skeptical… I had never seen anyone do this before… but they insisted that bringing it in with us was the only way to get the best “color match” with the colors in the comforter.  We went out to dinner at Granite City afterwards.

Weekend ~ Went to garage sales on Saturday.  I tried out the paint samples, but didn’t like any of the three that Kristen and Christy picked out.  They all seemed too dark of a color.

Monday May 2nd ~ I am starting feel baby kick stronger now, heartburn getting worse, but still not horrible.  I am feeling baby roll over or roll around.
Wednesday May 4th ~ Breastfeeding class at St. Elizabeth’s (week 1).  I did not think daddy would want to go to this class, but he was a good sport.  It was a little awkward holding a doll and pretending to nurse… in front of four other couples!  LOL

Sunday May 8th ~ Mother’s Day ~
James gave me a Mother’s Day card, and we went out to eat at the Cracker Barrell, just the two of us.  Ashley sent me a Mother’s Day card, too.  Later that evening, we took James’s mom and dad out to Valentino’s to eat.  I actually got the “mothers eat free” discount, too!
Six Months
Week 27-31 (Monday May 9th ~ Sunday June 12th 2011)
I picked new paint samples (without consulting the “experts”) but I wasn’t too sure about the lighter paint colors that I picked out either.
Sunday May 15th ~ The summer bowling league starts next week, but I’m not sure if I should participate this year.  James and I went on Sunday so I could try bowling, but I decided not to be on the team this year because I feel like I am “squishing” the baby when I bend over to throw the ball.  I know I am probably being overly cautious, but I don’t want to take any chances.
I noticed your hiccups for the first time; I was sitting down working at my desk, and I noticed that I felt regular intervals of movements, which I concluded must be hiccups instead of just kicks.  
Saturday May 21st ~ Weekly trek out to go garage saling; Cody came over in the evening to help Daddy move the crib into the nursery.  We haven’t painted the room yet, but I wanted to move the crib/bedding in before we made a final decision on the paint color.  It was quite the feat to get the crib in; it had to be disassembled first, and then put back together once it was in there.
Daddy still barely feels you moving and kicking inside of me.
Monday May 23rd ~ Doctor’s appt ~daddy couldn’t go to this one.  Baby’s heartbeat=150bpm.  Baby is head down and turned sideways with his back towards my right side.  Doctor said that bowling and roller skating are okay activities for me to do.  Dr. Gfeller said that he has been delivering babies for over 30 years, and this is the first time anyone has ever asked him if roller skating is okay.  Heartburn has been a bit worse lately, but Dr. Gfeller said I could take Tums or even Omeprazole if needed.  Now that I can take Tums, the heartburn has not been that bad.  This was the last “4 week” appt” ~ I will go every two weeks from now on!  Getting closer! 
Tuesday May 24th  ~ Our 3 year anniversary ~ Usually it is mommy that works late, but this time daddy had to work late.  After he came home, we ate dinner together to celebrate.
Thursday May 26th – Busy Day!  Field Day & School Picnic.  After school, Kristen, Christy, and Jacqueline threw a baby shower for me; they ordered delicious cupcakes, Kristen made cream cheese mints in fun “baby shapes”, and they had gone out to get cute decorations.  I hadn’t wanted them to throw me a shower at all… but I was very thankful they did.  I am so excited to try out all of the new baby things that people gave you!
Friday May 27th - Last day of the school year!    Saturday, we went to Trish’s for Grandma C’s birthday.  Sunday, we spent the rest of the weekend packing up the classroom.
Monday May 30th ~ Memorial Day ~ Fire overnight at LPSDO
Tuesday May 31st ~ Staff Work Day ~ Cleaning, filing & packing up.  Staff party @ Dino’s.  We drove past LPSDO on the way back to see the damage.
Wednesday June 1st ~ I went back to school for a few hours to finish up some things; Cody came and helped finish packing.  I met up with Kristen in the afternoon, and we went to pick out even more paint samples for the nursery (without consulting Christy).  I did not have time to put the new paint samples on because we had to go to James’s parents for dinner, and then go to our first “Prepared Childbirth” class at St. E’s.
Thursday June 2nd ~ Christy and Kristen came over.  After all of the fuss over picking out so many paint samples, I ended up caving and “chose” the soft suede color (the very first paint sample that Christy and Kristen had picked out) even though I was still anxious that the color would be too dark.  I decided to trust them that it wouldn’t be, and that the color would help the picture frames stand out better against it.  James left to go bowling.  Christy painted the “edging”, and Kristen did the “rolling”.  We decided that I shouldn’t be in the room with them breathing in the paint fumes, so I sat out in the living room and watched “Dancing with the Stars”.
I ended up liking the color!
We went “window shopping” for more decorating ideas in between the two coats of paint.  I saw some things at Target that I wanted (a new lamp shade, and a decorative plaque), but didn’t buy them right away.  Christy found curtains at JCPenney that I liked, but I also waited to buy them so I could check other stores for something better or cheaper.  At Hobby Lobby, we bought a stencil and stencil paint for the circle border.  (I did not like the stencil colors Christy picked out, so Kristen and I picked new colors later.)
Friday June 4th ~ More shopping with Kristen ~ We looked for wooden letters at Ben Franklin’s, JoAnn’s, and Michael’s, but I didn’t like any of the ones they had.  We looked at Target, and Bed Bath and Beyond for curtains but I didn’t like anything from these stores.  So we went back to JCPenney’s to get the curtains that Christy had found.  They didn’t have that style in stock, so I placed an order for them.  Then we went to Hobby Lobby, and I bought wooden letters for Evan’s name, and picked new paint colors for the circle border.  Kristen made new shades of blue by mixing the paints that we already had with some we had bought. We tried mixing some “shimmer” into the lighter blue paint, but you couldn’t see the shimmer once the paint was mixed.  Kristen began painting the “circles” border around the room.  I painted the wooden letters for Evan’s name.  We tried painting shimmer onto one of the letters after the color had been applied.  The shimmer looked good, but the paint looked clumpy. 
Saturday June 5th ~ James & I went to garage sales, of course.  I also touched up around the circles where the paint had leaked through the stencil, and finished painting the wooden letters.  I remember trying to sit very still so that I could paint, and you kept kicking me! 
Monday June 6th ~ Kristen came over again and finished painting the circle border around the room.  
 Doctor’s appt in the afternoon=quick and easy!  Daddy was able to come, and doc says everything looks good!
Wednesday June 8th ~ I again touched up the circles where the paint had gone beyond the stencil edging.  Prepared childbirth class (week 2) massage night! 
Friday June 10th ~ More shopping with Kristen ~ Hobby Lobby (more shimmer paint), Target (curtain rod, plaque, and lamp shade), Home Depot (sand paper for changing table), Walmart (more spray paint for changing table).  Kristen and I worked on things for the nursery while James had people over for poker.  Kristen and I sanded the changing table.  Kristen  spray painted the table (took a few coats of paint) while I stood off to the side with a wet towel over my face.  (I was worried about breathing in the paint fumes.)  We hung curtains with the new rod (but the brackets wouldn’t fit in securely).  We sanded down the wooden letters and tried a sponge technique to apply shimmer to the top of it.  It worked, but it also meant we had to repaint the blue color on top of the letters, before we could apply the shimmer.
SaturdayJune11th ~ We applied the shimmer with a sponge to the wooden letters.  Kristen sprayed two more coats of paint on the changing table.  Then we had to call it quits for the day to go to Brigitte’s wedding that evening
Seven Months
Week 32-35 (Monday June 13th ~ Sunday July 10th 2011)
Monday June 13th ~ Kristen and I ran around all morning & afternoon running errands for Christy… Hazelnut, decaf, half pound, not ground… Not paid for with pennies!  (Inside joke!!)   We worked on the nursery in the evening…Christy and her daughter Madison painted the “inside circles” in the border to match the bedding.  We took down the curtains because they were hung too high and brackets were not secure; and then mudded the holes
Everyone was in a hurry to get the room done, because Christy had to leave to go on vacation with her family to the Ozark’s, and Kristen was getting ready to go back home to Minnesota for the summer.  She was also busy working on a slide show project for her grandparent’s anniversary.  On top of that, Kristen was having trouble with dizzy spells and headaches, but she still came over to help work on the nursery.
Tuesday June 14th ~ Kristen sprayed poly on the wooden letters.  I attached hooks to the back of the new picture frame and the wooden letters.  I broke one of the wooden letters at the VERY END of pounding in the nails… Kristen re-nailed the bracket… and now the letter needs glued.  Sprayed polyurethane on the changing table; gave it a few days to dry and brought it up to the nursery.
Saturday June 18th ~ garage sales; found the mini bookshelf that we put in the living room to hold Evan’s books & toys.

Sunday June 19th ~ Father’s Day ~
I gave James a Father’s Day card.  Ashley sent a card for James, too.  We bought dinner and took it over to James’s parents for Father’s Day.
Monday June 20th ~ Doctor’s appt; Daddy couldn’t come but doc says everything looks good.  Blood pressure=good, weight gain=good (+15lb at this point). Baby’s heartbeat=140bpm-which was lower than usual.  I asked if this was okay and he said yes - anywhere between 120-160 is okay.
Next appt-we will have test done to check for bacterial infection that apparently 30% of women have and it could be passed on to baby during delivery. Have been having some sharp, needle-like pains in the lower abdomen for the last week or so, very alarming at first, but then figured it was probably round ligament stretching pains-doctor confirmed this.  As long as the pain is quick, doesn’t last long and there isn’t any other symptoms, there isn’t anything to worry about.
Tuesday~professional development class in A.M. (math implementation meeting for the new curriculum).  Went to Menard’s in the evening with daddy, and then to Walmart to update the baby registry for the upcoming shower.
Wednesday~Childbirth Class (weeek 4)
Continued touching up circles where the paint went outside the stencil
Thursday~sanded down the wall that had been patched up and repainted it; applied contact paper to the drawer in the changing table; Kristen was back home in Minnesota, so I emailed her the pictures.
Daddy said that one night, he had his hand on my tummy before we went to sleep.  You started kicking and rolling, and then I fell asleep.  Daddy said that you started kicking and rolling even harder then, and he was amazed that you didn’t wake me up!  Daddy said you were ‘movin’ and ‘groovin’ and I slept through the whole thing! 

Stretch marks are now on the upper belly, before they were only below the belly button.  Doesn’t bother me really, but do hope that they aren’t as noticeable after the baby is born.
Wednesday ~ Childbirth Class (week 5)
Friday July 1st ~ Andrea M. from church will be providing daycare for Evan after I go back to work, so I stopped by her house today to see her daycare and meet her daycare kiddos.  Went to some garage sales afterwards.  James and Cody went to buy fireworks that night before our poker night at our house.
Saturday July 2nd ~ Lincoln decided to have their 4th of July celebration over the weekend, but I chose not to go and sit outside to watch the fireworks.  We looked online to see whether bug spray is safe during pregnancy, and I don’t think it is.
Monday - 4th of July ~ Went to Seward - I was able to get down to the library sale, and the square to walk around and look at the crafts.  Ashley, Brandon & the kids came to town for the parade, so we walked over (sat in the heat) and joined them. We walked back across town later in the afternoon to go to the carnival.  James was taking forever playing carnival games, and Xander was still busy doing all of the rides, so I decided to head back to the house before everyone else.  I had to stop and rest because I started having some pains in my stomach.  I rested so long that Mel, Dan, and Xander caught up with me at the Post Office.  We stopped again to rest at the Community Center, and James finally caught up with us.  I was worried for awhile, but I think everything is okay. The “pyros” lit off fireworks at the house for awhile, but we headed back to Lincoln without watching the city’s big firework show.
Tuesday July 5th ~ Doctor’s appt-gained 5lb since last appt.  (Plus 20lb total now) Guess I ate too much yesterday on the 4th of July!  Last “two week” appt - will do every week from here on out!  Getting closer! 
Tuesday night – Infant Care Class (week 1) - found out that the instructor from that class is Michelle Crawford, a lady that goes to our church!  Small world!
Wednesday July 6th ~ Childbirth Class (week 6)
Saturday July 9th ~ Baby shower at my house hosted by Ashley ~ I am exhausted from lots of housework/cleaning getting ready for the baby shower, but everything went very well, and I am excited to have my house clean.  Now if only I can keep it that way!

Facebook Post ~ I had a great time today at the baby shower! Thank you
Ashley for hosting the shower, and for your mom's help too! Thanks to everyone who came to help me celebrate! It was a "full house" but I am so blessed to have lots of family members to share in the joy of welcoming Baby E. =)
Eight Months
Week 36-40 (Monday July 11th ~ Sunday August 7th 2011)
Monday-car seat fitting – wow, this is complicated stuff nowadays!! 
Tuesday-Doctor’s appt – everything looks good!
            Infant care class (week 2) – One of the topics was about finding a good pediatrician.  James and I began discussing whether we should find an actual pediatrician, or take Evan to see Dr. Gfeller.  I like Dr. Gfeller, and think he would do a fine job, but I also know that his office is all the way across town from where we live.  Babies need lots of check-ups, and having an office closer to home would be a big advantage.  Aunt Kim works in a pediatrician’s office, so James asked her for a recommendation.  She set up an appointment for us to meet a pediatrician where she works.
I can’t eat large amounts of food without feeling sick to my stomach, and heartburn is getting worse.  Stretch marks are now itching slightly.  Starting to dread sleeping at night because my hips hurt so bad, even with switching sides constantly.  I have to come out and sleep on the couch at some point in the middle of the night.  Still minor discomforts really… none of these “problems” are really that bad, but just getting more uncomfortable.  I am so glad that I am off work right now though, so I can take naps during the day from not getting enough sleep at night.  How am I going to get up in the middle of the night for feedings and then go to work during the day???  Maternity leave is not going to last long enough, I can already tell!  I haven’t packed a hospital bag yet, so am feeling a bit anxious about that, but haven’t felt much cramping or contractions yet, so I still think I have plenty of time!
Wednesday ~ Professional Development Class (saw Christy, Jacqueline, Jen C. and Michelle S. from Kooser).  Jen and I visited about her daughter that was born in January, and laughed about how maternity leave does not/will not last long enough.
Saturday July 16th ~ Baby shower at Linda N’s for my Church Family-had fun!  Facebook Post ~ Thank you Linda for hosting a lovely baby shower for Evan and me! =) I am blessed to have a dear friend such as you, and also to have such a loving church family! Thanks to everyone who came to help make the day a special one!
Sunday July 17th ~ Dwight Days ~ Went to watch Xander’s Czech dancing; my back hurt at the end of the day from standing so long, but thankfully we didn’t have to be out in the heat because they moved it into the legion hall.  We watched the parade from inside the house.  Finally felt the first definitive cramping/contractions tonight, so I started packing my labor bag!   Cramping didn’t last long, though! (Sunday night only)
Continued work on packing labor “bag” (suitcases)-running around town picking up last minute things to take with me to the hospital .  Finished up thank you notes from the church Baby Shower.  Stretch marks on the very top of my belly are extremely annoying and itchy.
Tuesday-Finished up Infant Care class-I did not want to go… I was very tired, but James felt we should go.  They went over infant CPR that night, so it turned out to be valuable information.
Wednesday-Kristen came over and we fixed the broken letter “V” & ordered new wall brackets from Ace Hardware so we can re-hang the curtains.  Cody was on his way to our house, and was in a roll-over car accident, but thankfully he was wearing his seatbelt, and he was okay.
Thursday-doctor’s appt.- lost a few pounds-only at 17lb total weight gain now
Friday-started feeling a bit achy and a few more cramps a couple of times this week, but also very short lived and did not bring on start of labor.
Liz is 38 weeks along in her pregnancy
Liz's baby is now 16 - 19 inches long and weighs between 5.5 to 7 lbs.
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More From This Week · July 25 at 10:01am via BirthWatch Pregnancy Facts
Dan, Amanda, Cheryl and 3 others like this.
Andrea I have special "Miss Andrea" hugs all ready for that boy!! July 25 at 10:29am · Unlike · 1
Melanie How are you feeling? July 25 at 10:33am · Like
Liz I am doing great! The hardest part right now is waiting... not knowing if "today" is the day, or if I still have two or more weeks left! I am excited to meet the little guy!! =) July 25 at 10:39am · Like · 1
Nancy @ Liz - and so are we excited to meet the little guy!!! July 25 at 10:40am · Unlike · 2
Susan How exciting! I don't know how I missed that you were expecting! Congrats. You'll love it!!!! July 25 at 1:10pm · Unlike · 1
Amanda I only made it to 35 weeks with Liam, enjoy every single day that you're pregnant because you're going to miss it when you're up all night with the little guy. Congratulations, again, Liz. July 25 at 9:48pm · Unlike · 1
Beth I'm glad the pregnancy is going well Liz. July 26 at 8:08am · Unlike · 1
TuesdayJuly 26th ~ began thinking about school again-the team came over to my house to work on our daily schedule/other items.  Not ready to go back or even begin thinking about school but I have to! Christy was already over here and Kristen came over later to work on the nursery.  While waiting for Kristen to arrive, Christy and I went to Walmart.  I picked up the short, small fabric drawers that I ordered online to put on the changing table.  Definitely uncomfortable walking around the store, trying to keep up with Christy!    We didn’t get much else done tonight; the wall brackets for the curtains didn’t come in on time and I realized that I didn’t have nails at my house to hang pictures… oops.  James went to the hardware store to buy some but they were too big.
Thursday July 28th ~Picked up keys @ school & worked in my room for a bit.  Doctor’s appointment-daddy came-plus 19lb weight gain at this point, went to Milkworks to get the pump checked for proper functioning.  Kristen came over… Decorating the Nursery-Take Two-the wall brackets that we ordered were not big enough for the diameter of the curtain rod, so we had to go to plan B… bought a new curtain rod with a smaller diameter.  However, we still had to do some ‘bending’ of the bracket to get the rod to fit in there!  Nothing can be easy!!!  We went to Target to look for some additional picture frames or decorations to hang next to the wooden letters in Evan’s name. (The letters were rather small, and there is a lot of wall space to cover.)  Both Christy and Kristen brought nails this time to hang pictures so we had plenty!   Curtains went up very easily this time.  Most pictures went up on the wall very easily… except there was some “tension” over hanging the letters in Evan’s name.  Finally got it done, and the room looks great!  Now, I just want a new glider to match the furniture, and to refinish the dresser so it also matches.  We’ll see if it gets done!
Weekend – Last Friday night poker @ our house.  Worked on school stuff, hoping to have enough time to get everything ready before school starts.
Monday July 25th ~ Still working on labor bag-finally have everything in there I want.  Although I didn’t have any “lightening” sensation, I can tell this week that Evan is sitting lower in my belly.  The stretch marks on the top of my belly aren’t stretched out anymore, and therefore NOT itching!  Yeah!  The ones by my belly button and lower do not itch for some reason?
Initially-my pelvic area hurts (left side) to stand up after for sitting for some time, but the pain goes away after walking it out for a bit.  Consistently feeling pain in my hands after sleeping/not moving for long periods of time.  This has been happening for several weeks, started out infrequently at night, but then turned into a regular occurrence.  Heartburn is more frequent now, and would be bad if it wasn’t for the Tums… Tums are my friend! 
Still going to the bathroom A LOT, but can’t say that it is any more frequent than “usual”.  Still moving out into the living room to sleep in the middle of the night due to hip pain (on the outside of the hip).
Overall, “complaints” are still minor really, getting slightly more uncomfortable but definitely nowhere near being so miserable that I am begging for labor to start.  Definitely helps being able to stay at home most of the time, rest and take naps when I want.  I would most likely be miserable if I had to be on my feet working all day.  I do get tired easily if walking for long periods of time, I walk VERY slow now, and my back starts to hurt when up walking around.
Monday August 1st ~ Worked at school all week-long hours-days and nights.  Still sleeping out in the living room half the night.  Pain inside the hips/pelvis has started, but manageable.
Monday August 1st – Appt @ pediatrician's office to meet our new pediatrician and take a tour of the office.
Overnight Tues/Wed - felt some painful contractions as I woke up throughout the night so I thought maybe labor was starting.  Got up and went to work on Wednesday and all contractions stopped.  Kept thinking that I could deliver any day/any minute so felt the pressure to keep working as much and as quickly as I can. 
Wednesday August 3rd ~ daddy came with me to school that night and helped me unpack my classroom library.
Thursday August 4th ~ Cody came and helped me out at school.  Doctor’s appt-everything still looking good.  Dr. Gfeller will be out of town for awhile, so if I deliver soon I will have a different doctor.  My next appt (if I make it that long) will be with a different doctor also.
Friday August 5th ~ Facebook Post ~ Still no baby news yet... I have been busily working in the classroom all week trying to get as much ready as I can.  Been working long days and nights this week, after a nice lazy summer... ugh. Seeing as how Evan still isn't showing any sign of coming anytime soon, I'll be back at school again today! Happy Friday everyone!
Friday August 5th ~ I feel pretty good about everything I have gotten done at school.  Still more to do, but if he decides to come this weekend, I will have enough done to feel comfortable leaving the rest of the work for the sub.
Saturday August 6th ~ still hadn’t delivered, so we went to Anya’s bday party at the farm.  I visited a little with Becky J.; she is also expecting, and she told us she is having a boy!  Our boys will be about the same age!
Sunday August 7th ~ still no baby yet.  Feeling a few more contractions but nothing regular or painful.  Continued work on school stuff-working from home now though.
Nine Months
Due Date ~ Monday August 8th, 2011
Monday August 8th ~ Slept in & worked from home; Due date came and went
Tuesday August 9th ~ Professional Development day at work; Morning session at school-introduced Michelle as my long term sub.  Went to the afternoon training sessions on the new Guided Reading framework we are supposed to use this year.
Wednesday August 10th ~ Professional Development day at school.  Feeling stronger and stronger contractions, but still didn’t think that labor was starting.  Had to leave early for my appointment with Dr. McNeely @ 4pm; everything seemed okay at that time.  Went back to work at school that evening.  Came home and started feeling some more contractions… texted Cody @ 10:25pm…“Be ready-tomorrow may be the day”.  Cody had agreed to stay at our house and watch Wriggley while we were in the hospital.

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